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How do I find an underground leak?

Search Rental Listings Forums Discussions Landlords Forum Building Maintenance How do I find an underground leak?

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    • Anonymous

      It appears that I have a leak somewhere underground. My water meter low flow indicator is rotating but the main water valve under the house is shut off. How can I find the leak?

    • HarrisonAmannda

      how to find a leak on your water system. Shut off all the fixtures in your home and put red food coloring in all of your toilet tanks. Check the reading on the water meter. Wait at least one hour and recheck the toilets and the reading. If the water in any toilet bowl is red, then the toilet is leaking. If the water has not left the toilet tanks and entered the bowls, but the reading on the water meter has moved even slightly you have an underground leak. TPS Land Planning leak detection company can use a sounding device to locate leaks in underground water pipes.

    • LauraHoward031

      How did you find the leak in your property?

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